Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Look, I Don't Care About You or Me. How's Cousin Dupree Doing?"

I guess after losing Kate Hudson to the guy above (and what is it with Kate Hudson and odd looking men anyway?), Owen Wilson had all he could stand, and he couldn't take it no more. And I love how it's now referred to "Owenwatch", and none other than the lead singer of Sugar Ray confirmed it as a suicide attempt. But Malcolm McDowell says it wasn't a broken heart that led to Owen's try for a go at dying. In a radio interview, upon learning about Wilson's suicide attempt, McDowell said off the cuff, "that's what that stuff will do to you." Stuff meaning drugs, drug of choice meaning cocaine.

Owen Wilson co-wrote The Royal Tenenbaums with buddy Wes Anderson, even getting an Oscar nomination out of the deal. Sort of makes that intense suicide scene with brother Luke Wilson look all the more eerie now, doesn't it?
But what can we all reallly take away from all of this? Kate Hudson really likes guys with really big noses, which has to make Steve Lemon and Michael Imperiolli really happy about now.


BSmokedTurkey said...

Wow. This is first I've even heard of this. You're now a breaking celeb news site, DL.

Dirtylaundry said...

And comparing Pinch Lemon to an Emmy Award winning actor. Look out TMZ, I'm all freaking over this shit.

Dirtylaundry said...

My favorite part about the whole Malcolm McDowell thing was right when he heard that story, he said the old, "That's what that stuff will do to you." And then about 10 minutes later, realizing he outted a coke head, tried to back pedal. Ah the joys of live radio.

Your Home Team, LLC said...


Your Home Team, LLC said...

Am I the only one who thinks that Owen Wilson seems to play the same character in every movie?

Anonymous said...

He was apparently hooked on a combination of coke and heroin they call Dynamite. Although it was just known as a speedball when Kurt Korth's roommate Bryan Meiers used to do it